Sunday, May 27, 2012

Realty One Group 100 % Commission For the Agent

Realty One Group offers 100 % commission for their agents. With several locations in 3 states, Nevada, Arizona and California, the company is constantly opening new offices and recruiting new agents.
As of today, they exceed 3,500 agents.
Realty One Group embraces the most updated technology in order to provide the best and  most sophisticated paperless system.

 Named as one of the fastest-growing real estate companies in America by INC 500

                                           Arizona                       Nevada                       California

                                         Paradise Valle          Las Vegas                 Irvine
                                         Glendale                   North Las Vegas       Mission Viejo
                                         Phoenix                    Henderson                 Newport Beach
                                         Scottsdale                                                   Costa Mesa
                                         Tempe                                                        Laguna Hills

Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
Realty ONE Group
Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
(714) 809-6521
R.E. Lic. #0143140

Friday, May 25, 2012

OCHOPC Helps Avoid Foreclosure

OCHOPC Helps Avoid Foreclosure

By, Veronica Cabrera
May, 25 2012

Heather Johnson and Veronica at the NAHREP seminar

Click the Link to View Video

OCHOPC is a non-profit organization that helps homeowners prevent foreclosure. They provide a free service and the way they help is they review the applicant's financial packages and submit them to their lender. OCHOPC offers several government programs. They are in the cities of:
Santa Ana
Lake Forest
Fountain Valley

Homeowners who need assistance can contact them at 714-547-2227 or visit their web-site at

Mention my name and don't forget to contact me if you need any assistance.

Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
Realty ONE Group
Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
(714) 809-6521
R.E. Lic. #0143140

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Challenge of Thinking and Performing Efficiently

The Challenge of Thinking and Performing Efficiently

by Veronica Cabrera
May, 20 2012
Every day, I order my coffee at the same company's drive thru, but at different locations. I always ask for the same thing; medium coffee with 5 creams, 2 sugars and 2 equals inside, hoping that the teenager who prepares it will be able to follow those simple instructions, right. Guess what? Most of the time, they don't! 
I wonder if it is the age that has to do with the ability to understand and follow instructions or is it that each individual has a different capacity to understand. The problem is that the majority of teens, don't get it!
In real estate we have to make difficult decisions that require critical thinking. I am sure that in any other business it is the same thing. We have to be efficient, make decisions, solve problems and perform promptly.  
In my opinion a person can be trained to do better by following the tips below:
  1. Concentrate on what you are doing
  2. Control your frustrations
  3. Be prepared in advance
  4. Avoid distractions
  5. Listen Actively
  6. Judge ideas responsibly
  7. Share your thoughts and ideas
  8. Repeat what you are doing and understand
  9. Take notes
  10. Make a habit of good and positive thinking. 
As with everything else, with some practice and willingness we can improve our efficiency, understanding and have better comprehension of what we are trying to accomplish and how to do it.
We can improve our decision making and performance by using good critical thinking.
Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
Realty ONE Group
Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
(714) 809-6521
R.E. Lic. #0143140

Saturday, May 19, 2012

If I Can't Buy in Anaheim, Let's Try Corona!

If I Can't Buy in Anaheim, Let's try Corona!

by Veronica Cabrera
May, 18 2012
I am trying to find a property for all of my qualified buyers. One of them would like to buy in Anaheim, California. He is pre-approved for a sale's price of $280,000. When we started looking, back in November 2011, we found several houses within that price range. We put an offer in on a short sale. After several months, the short sale lender did not approved purchase price offer, so my buyer walked.
Now, we can not find any available property in that price range!
My client, very frustrated, said "if we can't find anything in Anaheim, let's try searching in Corona, CA".
Corona is in the County of Riverside, where house values are lower. 
To our surprise, we can not find anything available there either!

Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
Realty ONE Group
Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
(714) 809-6521
R.E. Lic. #0143140


Thursday, May 17, 2012

The American Banker and The Mexican Fisherman

The American Banker and The Mexican Fisherman

by Veronica Cabrera
May, 17 2012

The following story was given to me today. Since I found it interesting,  I decided to share it.
Here it goes; I hope you like it.

An American investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellow fin tuna.
The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked
"how long did it take you to catch those fish.
The Mexican replied, "only a little while".
The American then asked "why didn't you stay out longer and catch more fish?"
The Mexican said "I had enough to support my family's immediate needs."
The American then asked, "but what do you do with the rest of your time?"

The Mexican fisherman said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos,
I have a full and busy life."

The American scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and can help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats, eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually NYC where you will run your expanding enterprise.

The Mexican fisherman asked, "But how long will this all take?"
To which the American replied, "15-20 years."
"But what then?"
The American laughed and said, "That's the best part. When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions."
"Millions.. Then what?"
The American said, "Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing vilage where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos."
Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
Realty ONE Group
Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
(714) 809-6521
R.E. Lic. #0143140

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Study of Economics

Studying Economics

by Veronica Cabrera
May, 14 2012

I am currently studying for my broker's license. The testing requires the study of five different courses.
I have already completed Property Management and I am starting Economics now.
I thought that I should share some interesting information that I am learning.
According to the William G. Willson and Leigh Conway, authors of Real Estate Economics Firs Edition, "The real estate market is an IMPERFECT MARKET!"
 It is imperfect, because it is not perfect! Seriously, that is what the books says, so I am just repeating it. 
In order for me to pass the test I just have to memorize and repeat whatever the book says.

Authors stated, "for a market to be perfect the product needs to be homogeneous, there is complete information and no buyers or sellers need to influence the market"

They also stated that to create a perfect market we have to have the following:
  • Large number of buyers and sellers
  • Perfect and complete information
  • Freedom to enter and exit the market
  • Homogeneous product of availability to substitute
  • Product needs to be mobile and portable
  • NO single buyer or seller is large enough to influence the market price
  • Government plays a minor role in pricing
The authors blame the mortgage brokers for the economy meltdown " The greedy and unethical mortgage brokers who pushed inappropriate loans on borrowers in order to collect very lucrative fees, with no guidelines, no restrictions and no oversight, mortgage brokers were overcome by greed".

And they name as victims "unsuspecting investors and ultimately the American public"

They mentioned that some consequences were " in 2008 and 2009 the Mortgage Bankers Association reported that over 2 million foreclosures were filed. This is the highest level reported since the Mortgage Banker Association started this survey 37 years ago"

I see why it is called an "IMPERFECT MARKET!"

Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
Realty ONE Group
Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
(714) 809-6521
R.E. Lic. #0143140

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Qualifying Requirements to Buy a REO Property

by Veronica Cabrera
May, 13 2012

My well qualified client asked me to put an offer on an REO property. The listing agent's remarks asked for the lender's owner of that property,  pre-qualification letter to be presented with any offer. The problem was that the REO lender will not issue any pre-approval if they don't talk to the borrower directly to ask for his authorization to run his credit. I would assume that a written authorization should be sufficient, but not in this case. I contacted 4 or 5 different lenders of that bank and all of them said the said the same thing, that they are required to talk directly to the borrowers to run their credit.

My client agreed to it. When one of the lenders talked to him, the lender insisted that my client to get the loan with him. My client was very upset because that was not supposed to be the purpose of the call. .

At the end, (3 days later) one of the lenders gave us the letter, but the property already had 10 offers by then.. We found another REO property and here we go again.

Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
Realty ONE Group
Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
(714) 809-6521
R.E. Lic. #0143140

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Happy Mother's Day (Central and South Americans)

Happy Mother's Day
(Central and South Americans)
by Veronica Cabrera
May, 10 2012

May 10th is the formal Mother's day for most Central and South American countries.
I have to call my mom!

Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
Realty ONE Group
Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
(714) 809-6521
R.E. Lic. #0143140

What is Better, Being An Educated Person or A Smart One ( Pick Just One)

Would You Prefer To Be Smart or Educated?

Some people are not smart... even though they might have a high level of education. On the contrary, some people are very smart without having attended college, and logically, some others are both, smart and educated.  But today, the third case is not in the game.

I wonder, if you had to chose between being an educated person or a smart one, what would you prefer?

I get motivated by those who have the drive and determination to reach success without excuses. I have heard stories of people who did not have much education and despite the fact became successful .

Some of the most successful people without college degrees are:

"Mary Kay Ash attended college but dropped out after she got married. She started Mary Kay Cosmetics after being passed over for a promotion that was given to a man who she’d trained. The company started as a book Mark Kay intended to help women and turned into a business plan. With the help of her son and $5,000, Mary Kay Cosmetics was created. Mary Kay Inc. was named one of Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work for in America and one of the 10 best companies for women." by Financial planning for Creative Mind (2008-2012)

"Michael Dell, the founder and CEO of Dell, Inc., dropped out of college at 19. He first started his computer company in his college dorm room, later using company’s earnings and family loans to expand. In 2008, Forbes ranked Michael Dell #11 in its 400 Richest Americans. As of 2009, he has an estimated net worth of $12.3 billion" stated by Financial planning for Creative Mind (2008-2012)

"Henry Ford never graduated high school, but went on to start one of the largest automobile manufacturing companies in the world, Ford Motor Company. He’s also credited as being the first auto manufacturer to use an assembly line, completely revolutionizing the way cars were produced. The assembly line allowed Ford sell cars at a lower price but the company kept making higher profit because sales volumes continually increased. Time called Ford one of the most influential people of the 20th century" also by Financial planning for creative minds.

This information was found in the following link:

 I find people who just pretend to be smart but don't take any control of their personal, emotional, and economic situation to be dissapointing. They bragg about how smart they are because of the level of education they have, however, they are unable or unwilling to change their situation

(Remember, We are not talking about the third case today)

Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
Realty ONE Group
Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
(714) 809-6521
R.E. Lic. #0143140


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Homeowners, I Have A Qualified Buyer For You House!

Do You Want to Sell Your Home?

By, Veronica Cabrera
May, 7 2012

I have several buyers waiting for the right property.
I spend hours trying to find them something available, but there is not much inventory. So, I decided to go look for my own listings.
I went door knocking telling homeowners in the City of Anaheim that I have an interested buyer who wants a property just like the one he/she owns. A few days later a homeowner called me and asked if I still had an interested buyer.
I sure did have a buyer! He asked me to show the property because after my convincing approach, he decided to sell.
I promptly called Luis, my buyer, and we went to see the property the very next day. 
We ended up signing the listing agreement and the purchase contract at the same time.

Another homeowner called me the very next day with the same question; If I still had an interested buyer? He told me I should show the property. I called my client (Antonia), and we are having the meeting to show the property in two days.
I have at least 8 buyers waiting for me to find them a property.
I better go and keep looking for more potential sellers before my buyers lose the opportunity to buying during this great market!

Homeowners, I can sell your property very, very quickly. Call me!

Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
Realty ONE Group
Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
(714) 809-6521
R.E. Lic. #0143140


Friday, May 4, 2012

Why Do We Have to Sleep?

Why Do I Have To Sleep?

by, Veronica Cabrera
May, 5 2012

We all go to sleep every night. Some of us sleep more than others, but in the end we all need to sleep. According to the National Sleep Association (2011), "When we sleep well, we wake up feeling refreshed and alert for our daily activities. Sleep affects how we look, feel and perform on a daily basis, and can have a major impact on our overall quality of life."

That is not good for me because I don't like going to sleep. Not as much as I like working. I wish I could live without sleeping. It would be so great, but the above mentioned website also says:
 "Sleep helps us thrive by contributing to a healthy immune system, and can also balance our appetites by helping to regulate levels of the hormones ghrelin and leptin, which play a role in our feelings of hunger and fullness.
So when we’re sleep deprived, we may feel the need to eat more, which can lead to weight gain."
I guess, I don't have any other option than to get some sleep! Goodnight.

Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
Realty ONE Group
Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
(714) 809-6521
R.E. Lic. #0143140

Thursday, May 3, 2012

What Type of Parent Are You?

Different Styles of Parenting

By: Veronica Cabrera
May, 3 2012

I considered this topic to be so interesting that I had to share it. I was reading that there are four different types of parenting. According to psychologist Diana Baumrind, (1966) the four types of parenting are; authoritarian, permissive, authoritative, and uninvolved parents. Each of them are described as:

Authoritarian parents are also known as the "bossy" parents. These parents do not allow their children to question their decisions or orders. They like to control them with strict standards and do not approve of their children expressing disagreement.

Permissive parents are very lenient with their children. They are not consistent with their rules and demand very little from their children. In other words, they let the child do what he or she pleases.

Authoritative parents like to set limits. They teach discipline and are consistent with their rules. They encourage independence and they explain things to their children when needed. They teach their children to set goals and to be responsible.

Uninvolved parents don't really care much about what happens to their child. They show little interest and affection. Some of them believe that providing food, clothing, and shelter is all they have to do for the child. They tend to fall in the category of negligent, or even abusive.

The personality type, that children produce as result of the type of parenting they had, would be:

Authoritarian's children end up being unsocial, unfriendly, anxious, and withdrawn.

Permissive's children often behave with low self control. They are anti-social,  moody, and dependent.

Authoritative's children are very social, most of the time. They are independent, responsible, and reliable.

Uninvolved parents' children are usually rebellious, and anti-social.

It seems like being an authoritative parent would be the best way to raise our children.
We should give them responsabilities according to their ages. We should explain things and hear their point of view so we can develop the right message properly. We should maintain our position as parents and adults without forgetting that they are also thoughtful and emotional individuals.

Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
Realty ONE Group
Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
(714) 809-6521
R.E. Lic. #0143140

Most Trustee Sales Are Postponed

Trustee Sales Are Not Selling!

By, Veronica Cabrera
May, 2 2012
Lately, I have been checking on trustee sales where investors try to buy properties for cash, before banks foreclose on them. From about 30 properties that were going to be foreclosed today in Santa Ana's Courthouse, about 25 of those were postponed. There is a lot of work to do before going to the sale. For example:
  • We have to check tax records for other liens besides the first position lender.
  • We have to preview the property to check on the area and condition,
  • We have to check on unpaid tax bill and much more!
  • We also have to keep calling, just before the sale, to confirm whether the sale is still active or if it has been postponed.
Foreclosure sales are getting postponed some time for years! On top of that, some of the properties are going back to the lender because sometimes banks ask for 150% over the actual fair market value. What is this!?

                           In conclusion, There is a lot of work to be done with very little results!

Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
Realty ONE Group
Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
(714) 809-6521
R.E. Lic. #0143140