Monday, April 30, 2012

Selling Real Estate in Compton CA

 Real Estate in Compton CA

By Veronica Cabrera
April, 30 2012

I went to preview properties for my buyer, an investor. There were many different views, some of them very impressive!
I am so sorry that I did not take enough photos to share. I guess I was too busy observing and I forgot.
I had five properties to preview. Two of them were in a kind of okay area, but the other three were in a "Police Presence Area"

Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
Realty ONE Group
Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
(714) 809-6521
R.E. Lic. #0143140

Sunday, April 29, 2012

English Is a Confusing Language

English Is So Confusing

By Veronica Cabrera
April, 28 2012

While I was eating breakfast with my 8 year old daughter, she looked at her glass of milk and said; "Mother, did you know that at school they give us FAT MILK?" I thought about what she just said and replied, "Is that right? She sounded very dramatic! She continued.. Yes, the label of the bottle says 'FAT FREE!'"Who needs FAT anyway? They give it for FREE!" I smiled at her confusion and explained that free in this case, meant no fat, and I gave her some other examples, such as; sugar-free, lactose-free, etc..

Very disappointed at her discovery, she replied; “well, if they mean that there is no fat in it, they should call it NON-FAT, otherwise it can confuse 1st, 2nd, or even 3rd graders!" 

I think she had a point there, so I decided to search online about how confusing the English language can be for other individuals and I found this in the following site

Challenge Your Imagination...

"We’ll begin with a box, and the plural is boxes;
but the plural of ox became oxen not oxes.
One fowl is a goose, but two are called geese,
yet the plural of moose should never be meese.
You may find a lone mouse or a nest full of mice;
yet the plural of house is houses, not hice.
If the plural of man is always called men,
why shouldn’t the plural of pan be called pen?
If I spoke of my foot and show you my feet,
and I give you a boot, would a pair be called beet?
If one is a tooth and a whole set are teeth,
why shouldn’t the plural of booth be called beeth?
Then one may be that, and three would be those,
yet hat in the plural would never be hose,
and the plural of cat is cats, not cose.
We speak of a brother and also of brethren,
but though we say mother, we never say methren.
Then the masculine pronouns are he, his and him,
but imagine the feminine, she, shis and shim."

Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
Realty ONE Group
Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
(714) 809-6521
R.E. Lic. #0143140

Friday, April 27, 2012

We Learn from Children

We  Learn From Children

By Veronica Cabrera
April, 27 2012

          Today, I decided to knock on some doors searching for some business before taking my child to play. I had my, previously prepared, list of houses to visit. I explained to my daughter that I was going to visit some houses before we went to play.
When she saw me driving back and forward from one place to another, she anxiously asked; "Mother, why do you have to drive so much from one house to another looking for a specific house, when you are surrounded by many houses. Isn't it better to just knock at every single door without discriminating?"
I explained that I had a plan. I had a printed list of houses to visit. The homeowners I chose, may need my services because they are in risk of losing their homes. Then, she replied; "How do you know whether any of those other homeowners don't need your service? If I were a realtor, I  would knock at every door!

I analyzed her point and came to the conclusion that she is right. We don't need to discriminate anyone when we are prospecting.
We can never tell who is in need of our service unless we ask.

Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
Realty ONE Group
Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
(714) 809-6521
R.E. Lic. #0143140

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What is a productive day for a sales person?

What is a Productive Day For a Sales Person?

By Veronica Cabrera
April, 24
           I remember that in 2006, I took a motivational seminar for Realtors.
By the way,  I became a top agent since my very first year in real estate. 
I sold 10 million in 9 months, which is pretty good for someone who never wrote a contract before.
          The person giving the presentation explained what a real productive day was for a sales person. Some activities include;

New appointments.
Showing properties to buyers
Listing presentations

Today, I showed properties to 3 different buyers and I wrote an offer for each of them, for different properties of course!
I also did some prospecting: some door knocking! I need owners interested in selling since I can't find much inventory available for some other buyers. That is what we called a productive day! Let's see what happens tomorrow. But since I already have my day planned, most likely, it will be another productive day! Thank you for reading.

Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
Realty ONE Group
Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
(714) 809-6521
R.E. Lic. #0143140

Monday, April 23, 2012

Tips For First Time Home Buyers

Tips For First Time Home Buyers

By Veronica Cabrera
April, 23 2012

           Buying your first home is a difficult decision to make. Here are some questions that may concern you;

  • What if I can't afford it?
  • What if I don't qualify?
  • What if I lose my  job?
  • How much money do I have to make?
  • How much credit do I need to have?
  • How much for a down payment?
  • What will my payment be?
Having a professional realtor to walk you through the process makes it a much easier and exciting experience.
    You don't have to worry so much! The lender will verify your income and expenses and will run your credit to find out whether you qualify or not. As long as you have verifiable income and a decent credit, most likely you will be able to qualify for something. The lender will also take in consideration your expenses.
After you are pre-approved, I will help you find a property within the price range the lender approved for you. Buyers can visit my website to pre-view any properties that are for sale on the market.

You can learn everything you need to know in the following link from

Take advantage of the the excellent opportunity of purchasing a piece of real estate

especially now that prices and interest rates are historically low.

Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
Realty ONE Group
Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
(714) 809-6521
R.E. Lic. #0143140

Sunday, April 22, 2012

ABC NEWS, Crimes Committed Against Realtors / Some Safety Tips

Safety Tips for Realtors

by Veronica Cabrera
April, 22 2012

Video shows some self-defense techniques

"Thank you instructor Luis for the lesson"

          We ,as realtors, have to be exposed out there for different reasons. Sometimes, we are doing open houses; other times, we are showing houses, or simply prospecting for more business. We have to be aware of danger and take some precautions.

           ABC NEWS Announced several crimes committed to Realtors during their job routine.
Please click the link below to view the article and video.

Some safety tips for realtors from  Stewart Title Guaranty Company online article are:

Know with whom you are dealing.
  • Live by the three Ws: Tell someone Whom you are with, Where you are going, and When you will return.
  • Always keep your cell phone with you.
  • Trust your instincts.
  • Have a pre-arranged distress signal.
  • Always let the client lead the way.
  •              ** For more tips visit their website by clicking the link below

    6 Crimes Committed Against Real Estate Agents and How to Stay Safe

    Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
    Realty ONE Group
    Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
    (714) 809-6521
    R.E. Lic. #0143140

    Saturday, April 21, 2012

    Am I Still Alive or Am I a Ghost Trying To Sell Real Estate?

    What If I Haven't Realized That I am NOT Real Anymore?

    By, Veronica Cabrera
    April, 21 2012

              Today, while I was driving to Victorville, I felt the pain of my body as consequence of the symptoms of a sore throat, excessive work out and as consequence of the very few hours of rest. I took a photo, because I had to analyze that moment.
                Once the photo was taken, I saw that no back-ground was captured then I started to think.
     What if I am dead now and I haven't realized it? What if I am a ghost thinking that I am alive and I have to do my job?
              Have you had that feeling before? It happened to Patrick Swayze in the movie "Ghost" that he performed in(1990) with Demi Moore. Same thing happened to Bruce Willis in the movie "sixth sense." (1999)
         If you are interested on reading more about ghosts, click the link below


    Honestly, after preparing this blog,  I don't think that I am dead because a ghost would not have been able to write this! And proof of it is that you are reading it!

    Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
    Realty ONE Group
    Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
    (714) 809-6521
    R.E. Lic. #0143140

    Friday, April 20, 2012

    Thinking Like a Real Realtor

    Once We Became Real Realtors, We Can't Stop Acting as Such!

    By Veronica Cabrera
    April, 20 2012

              We, realtors, have to be thinking about real estate all the time to be able to succed in the business.
    The cartoon is funny but very true!
    I have to show houses to four different buyers tomorrow, plus qualify a new potential buyer.

        - My first appointments (Martin) is at 9:00 A. M. I have two condominiums to show to this specific buyer.

         -My second appointment ( Sr Jesus) is at 12:00 P.M. I will show one town home in Fullerton t

         -My third one (Sra Maria) I will be showing, At 1:00 P.M., in Anaheim  a Town-home,

         -My fourth buyer, ( Priciliano) who is in Victor ville; We are meeting at 3:00 P.M.
           ( We are inspecting the property he is buying

          - And last but not least, I will pick up the paperwork of my  fifth buyer at 4:00 P.M there in Victor Ville.
           ( He needs to be pre-qualified)

    I don't even want to mention that I will be meeting one of my sellers at 5:30 to put a lock box on his property!

    In conclusion, with a schedule like that, it is easy to understand the cartoon!

    Veronica Cabrera, Realtor

    Realty ONE Group

    Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA

    (714) 809-6521

    R.E. Lic. #0143140

    Thursday, April 19, 2012

    Pricing Our Short Sales Correctly

    Important Tip to Consider when Listing a Short Sale

    by Veronica Cabrera
    April, 19 2012

               Short-sales are complicated, yet the majority of the transactions on the current market are Short-sales.
    Buyers are expecting to get a better deal when they consider a property that is in Short-sale, and it make senses!
    In a Short-sale purchase, neither the lender nor the homeowner will make any repairs or maintenance on the property for the buyer.
    The Buyer will have to waive any termite repairs and home warranties.
    In many cases the property is abandoned, or in very poor condition due to the lack of the owner's motivation to sell.
    Yet we, as Realtors, are asked to sell it at the highest value possible. Although, selling a property on Short-sale is more of a challenge. As an expert agent you have the responsibility to manage the situation and proceed in a way that everybody is satified at the transactions conclusion. Owners have to sell it and buyers need a good deal.
    Lenders try to liquidate the investment and realtors have to do the job right to make it happen.

    Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
    Realty ONE Group
    Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
    (714) 809-6521
    R.E. Lic. #0143140

    Wednesday, April 18, 2012

    A Presentable Property Will Sell Faster

    A Presentable Property Will Sell Faster

    By Veronica Cabrera
    April, 18 2012

              Standard Sales' owners would like to sell their properties for the maximum amount; therefore it is important to have the house in the best condition possible before showing it to potential buyers. Now in days, with the amount of short sales and foreclosures, it is not easy to find good properties available for our buyers. As consequence, we have hard time finding the dream property for them. I am providing some tips  (taken from my CMA report) for homeowners to consider at the time of listing the house for sale.

    Preparing Your Home

     -House number should be easy to read
     -Lights on timers to ensure house is lit up after sunset
     -Eaves, troughs, and down spouts in good repair
     -Garage/car-port clean and tidy
     -Litter picked up
     -Cracked or broken window panes replaced
     -Doorbell and door hardware in good repair
     -Touch up trim paint on doors, window frames, fascia, etc
     -Mow, edge and weed the lawn frequently until the home is sold
     -Overgrown shrubbery should be cut back to show as much of the exterior as possible
     -A low-cost investment in seasonal flowers or ground cover will add a personal touch
     -Inspect the roof for necessary repairs and any visible broken shingles or tiles
     -Stucco water stains can be repaired using a mild bleaching agent
     -Fences should be mended and painted
     -Wash all windows inside and outside

     -Lights should be on and drapes should be left open during daylight
     -Heat set at a comfortable temperature
     -Fresh flowers/plants in various rooms
     -Chipped plaster and paint touched up and repaired
     -Doors and cupboards properly closed
    - Leaky taps and toilets repaired
     -Burned out light bulbs replaced
     -Squeaky doors oiled
     -Mirrors, fixtures, and taps cleaned and polished
     -Seals around tubs and basins in good repair
     -Floors cleaned, garbage containers emptied
     -Inside of closets and cupboards neat and tidy
     -Valuable property, out of reach, out of sight, or locked away
     -Pets absent, where possible, or contained during showings.
     -All torn screens should be repaired or replaced
     -Avoid repainting the entire house unless current colors are very loud or offbeat
     -White or light pastels are the easiest to work with and they make your rooms look   larger
    -Fireplace lit in cooler weather
     -Air conditioner turned on in warm weather
     -Countertops neat and polished
     -Appliances cleaned
     -Inside of closets and cupboards neat and tidy
    Sellers, You take care of the property .. and .. I will take care of the sale!

    Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
    Realty ONE Group
    Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
    (714) 809-6521
    R.E. Lic. #0143140






    Tuesday, April 17, 2012

    A Short Sale is a Good Option

    Short Sale is a Good Option

    By, Veronica Cabrera
    April, 17 2012

              A lot of homeowners are still having difficulties with the payments on their home.
    Some people lost their jobs while others, had their mortgage payments changed and they just can not afford the payment anymore. Whatever the reasons are, something has to be done about it.
    People in distress have a few different options:
    1. Continue to pay (Usually, They can't afford it anymore)
    2. Sell it (A short sale is the only way to sell it when upside down)
    3. Return it to the bank (not always advisable, banks don't like the deed in lieus much)
    4. Walk away (not the best option, banks try everything possible to avoid foreclosure)
    It is obvious that keeping the house is not an option when homeowners are having problems with the mortgage payments.

    Selling the property is possible with the help of a professional realtor 
    who knows how to handle it. It is never guaranteed, but it can be done.
    Now a days, it is much easier to do a short sale than it was in 2007, 2008 and 2009, when the market crashed.
    The banks want people to do a short sale instead of letting the property go into foreclosure!
    Homeowners should consider a short sale for the following reasons:
    • The lender will forgive the difference between the sale's pay off and mortgage balance.
    • Homeowners will not pay any money out their pocket to do the short sale.
    • Property will sell "as is" condition. Seller will not have to worry about repairs.
    • If the homeowner is on time with the mortgage payment, bank will still allow a short sale.
                   (In these cases, sellers conserve their good credit.)
    •  If the homeowner qualifies, the bank will help the homeowner with moving expenses (HAFA program).
    • The homeowner will be able to stay in the property until the close of escrow.
    • If the homeowner is behind on the payments, bank will still help with the short sale,
      and will forgive the past due payments, charges and any other expenses.
    • Homeowner can start fresh again. (released of that debt)
    • Homeowner will walk with pride. No foreclosure or eviction will be executed.
    **In the attached link, you will be able to find more information about short sales.

    Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
    Realty ONE Group
    Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
    (714) 809-6521
    R.E. Lic. #0143140


    We Do Not Have Enough Houses Available!

    Did The Market Hit The Bottom?

    April, 16 2012

    According to the National Association of Realtors,
    experts of the real estate economy stated that we have hit the bottom of the market since 2009.
    I am looking for properties for several of my buyers, but I can't find much available!
    I would say that prices have increased since last year.

    The information found in the following link from NAR is very clear.

    From the National Association of Realtors:

    "Pending Home Sales Ease in February but Solidly Higher Than a Year Ago"

    "The National Association of Realtors®, “The Voice for Real Estate,” is America’s largest trade association, representing over
    1 million members involved in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate industries.
    *The Pending Home Sales Index is a leading indicator for the housing sector, based on pending sales of existing homes.
    A sale is listed as pending when the contract has been signed but the transaction has not closed,
    although the sale is usually finalized within one or two months of signing.
    The index is based on a large national sample, typically representing about 20 percent of transactions for existing-home sales.
    In developing the model for the index, it was demonstrated that the level of monthly sales-contract activity parallels the level of closed existing-home sales in the following two months.
    An index of 100 is equal to the average level of contract activity during 2001, which was the first year to be examined as well as the first of five consecutive record years for existing-home sales; it coincides with a level that is historically healthy."
    Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
    Realty ONE Group
    Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
    (714) 809-6521
    R.E. Lic. #0143140

    Sunday, April 15, 2012

    Open House Visitors, So Cute!

    Open House Visitors

    17515 Page Ct

    Yorba Linda, CA 92886

    I had some very special visitors in my open house today.
    Look closely.. You have to zoom in the photo to see them.
    Now see the video below, Isn't it a cute family! They liked the house!
    A million dollar purchase would be a nice sale!

    Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
    Realty ONE Group
    Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
    (714) 809-6521
    R.E. Lic. #0143140

    Saturday, April 14, 2012

    Open House! Beautiful House in Yorba Linda, CA

    Open House in Yorba Linda, California!

    by, Veronica Cabrera

    April, 14 2012


    Yorba Linda, CA 92886
    • 5 Bedrooms
    • 4 Bathrooms
    • 3971 Sqft of Living Space
    • 9850 Sqft Lot Size
    • Pool and Spa
    • Build-in BBQ
    • Built in 1997
    • Standar Sale
    • Great Area in Yorba Linda CAlifornia
      This beautiful two story home is located on a very quiet desirable end of CUL-DE-SAC.
      Situated in one of Yorba Linda's finest neighborhoods. It is in great condition!
      Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
      Realty ONE Group
      Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
      (714) 809-6521
      R.E. Lic. #0143140

    Friday, April 13, 2012

    For Sale By Owner; Hire a Professional Realtor

    For Sale By Owner

    by Veronica Cabrera

    April, 14 2012

    According to the National Association of Realtors, Home owners who decide to sell their home as "For Sale by Owner" end up selling it for much less compared to hiring a professional realtor.

    Real estate agents have the resources needed to represent sellers efficientlyand help them sell their properties at the highest value.

    How do we do that?

    -We belong to the board of Realtors where the properties are listed in the MLS for all (thousands) of board members to see the property and show it to their buyers.
    -We place nice, professional yard sale signs.
    -We use electronic supra key boxes to allow other realtor to have access to the property to show to any potential buyer.
    -We create full color marketing material to expose the property.
    -We deliver and mail out marketing pieces (such as flyers) to the neighborhood.
    -We show the property to our list of buyers.
    -We do frequent open houses.
    -We estimate the price of the home using "real" comparables, considering any adjustments necessary to price the property accordingly.
    -We expose the property on line (Realty ONE Group) on more than 500 websites.
    -We keep the sellers informed and advised accordingly.
    -We understand the process of the sale, negotiations, contracts, escrows, loans, and anything related with the sale of the property.
    -We keep exposing and negotiating all the way until the close of escrow.
    -We are members of National Association of Realtors, Members of California Association of Realtors,
    and Members of PWR Local Association of Realtors.

    Homeowners should not have to deal with a complex transaction for the sale of one of their most valuable assets. They should hire a professional realtor. They will avoid frustration; they will net more money than selling the property as "FSBO", and they will also reduce the liability that is implied in a complicated transaction like this.

    The following chart can be found in the National Association of Realtor Website.

    For Sale By Owner (FSBO) Statistics
    FSBOs accounted for 10% of home sales in 2011.
    The typical FSBO home sold for $150,000 compared to $215,000 for agent-assisted home sales.
    FSBO Methods Used to Market Home:
    • Yard sign . . . . . . . . . . 44%
    • Listing on Internet . . . 33%
    • Friends/neighbors . . . .27%
    • Open house . . . . . . . .19%
    • Newspaper ad . . . . . 17%
    • For-sale-by-owner Web site . .12%
    Most Difficult Tasks for FSBO Sellers:
    • Getting the right price . . . 12%
    • Understanding and performing paperwork: 11%
    • Having enough time to devote to all aspects of the sale: 6%
    • Preparing/fixing up home for sale: 5%
    • Selling within the planned length of time: 5%
    Source: 2011 National Association of REALTORS® Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers

    Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
    Realty ONE Group
    Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
    (714) 809-6521
    R.E. Lic. #0143140

    Thursday, April 12, 2012

    Great Loan Programs for First Time Home Buyers

    Conventional Loan Program

             It is a great time to buy a home. Home prices and mortgage interest are low. I have a great lender to whom  I am giving most of my transactions. She has some different loan programs that no other bank has because these bank lend their own money. It means that they don't have to go with the guidelines of FHA, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, etc..

    This lender closes my loans! We, realtors, are having a very hard time closing deals. 
    Most of the time because of the lender's poor performance.
    The hardest deals to close are the condominium, for different reasons such:
    -Low HOA reserves
    -Condition of the Property
    -Too many units owned by investors
    -The complex may not be FHA approved
    -And many other reasons.
                But with my lender, she has a loan program for first time home buyers with:
    3% Down Payment
    620 + Fico Score
    NO Mortgage Insurance (PMI)
    Low interests

    Contact me if you are interested in being pre-approved.

    Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
    Realty ONE Group
    Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
    (714) 809-6521
    R.E. Lic. #0143140

    Tuesday, April 10, 2012

    Energy Saving Assistance Program

                             Energy Savings Assistance Programs


        Margarita just bought her first home. She was informed that the Gas Company has a program for any homeowner to help them save money by saving energy. The program is called " Energy Savings Assistant Program" The Gas Company is sponsoring the program. Together with community agencies and contractors are helping families that own their home.  The way it works is that an inspector goes to the homeowner property to see what changes or repairs are recommended to help them save energy. They check on appliances, doors and windows, a/c units and furnaces, water heater or anything that uses gas, water and electricity. They help the homeowners with water leaks or others repairs needed to avoid leaks and save energy. 

    The best part is that it is free! They do the job and supply the materials. If you want to apply for the program, please call Carlos Garcia for assistance

    His number is 1-714 -240-6102 Spanish, 1-714-973-0000 English or email;   

    Monday, April 9, 2012

    Baby Video, Our Clients Become Our Friends

    Our Clients Become Our Friends

         One of the nicest parts of our profession is that we become friends with our clients.
    Laura, my client and mom of the baby, invited my daughter and me to her family's Easter celebration in the park.
    aura is a current first time home buyer. We are in process of purchasing her first house. Thank you Laura for letting me share your baby's video. He is so cute!

    Valeria, my daughter, enjoyed the Easter egg hunt.


    Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
    Realty ONE Group
    Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
    (714) 809-6521
    R.E. Lic. #0143140

    Sunday, April 8, 2012

    Jefferson's Ten Rules; Something to Consider Reading

    Our Children Reflect Our Personalities

    My daughter just came back from her school trip. She brought me a souvenir.
    She says that when she saw it, she thought that I would like it.
    I just don't like it, but I love it!
    Thank you, my wendis.

    Jefferson's Ten Rules

    Never put off for tomorrow what you can do today

    Never trouble another for what you can do yourself

    Never spend money before you have earned it

    Never buy what you don't want because it is cheap

    Pride costs more than hunger, thirst and cold

    We seldom repent of having eaten too little

    Nothing is troublesome that we  do willingly

    How much pain the evils cost us that never happened

    Take things always by the smooth handle

    When Angry , count ten before you speak; if you are very angry, count a hundred

    Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
    Realty ONE Group
    Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
    (714) 809-6521
    R.E. Lic. #0143140



    Saturday, April 7, 2012

    What Should We Eat Today? There Is No Time to Cook.

    What Should We Eat Today?


         This is an everyday question; "What should we eat today?" Cooking takes time, so professionals have to think what to eat and where to go. Usually, I have my favorite places to go. The funny thing is that once I like something, I order the same thing until I get tire of it. Then, I have to find something else. Right now, I am enjoying MOLE AND CALDO DE RES from a restaurant called "Lindo Michoacan"

    located on the corner of Anaheim Blvd and Broadway in Anaheim.

        In my opinion, Business people should not expend valuable time in the kitchen cooking. That time should be invested on prospecting or making sure everything is running smoothly with any new or current transactions. When I go to eat, I have my notes. After I place my order, I check on my notes. Add more things to it, make some call or do something productive.
    There is nottime to waste!

    By the way, whenever you see me and feel like inviting me to eat,
    The Invitation is Always WELCOME!

    Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
    Realty ONE Group
    Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
    (714) 809-6521
    R.E. Lic. #0143140


    Friday, April 6, 2012

    To Have a Productive Day, Plan It.(revised)

    Plan Your Day

    April 6, 2012

    To be able to have a productive day, we have to plan it and follow the schedule.
    I would say that we spend more time planning and getting ready for work than we actually spend working on the job .

         I would recommend to:
    - Take some time to think about all you have to do.
    - Take notes. You may not think you need them at the time, but you can always refer to them.
    - Every time you think on something that has to be done, write it down.
    - Organize your task accordingly, for instance if the bank is on the way to the car wash, make that stop on your way, then if the
       post office is after the car wash, go there. Create a time sensitive map of where you are going.

    - Don't think about it. Just do what you have to do. (Don't procrastinate !)
    - Stay focused. (Don't allow anything to distract you or your are not going to be able to accomplish very much.)
    - Keep in mind on your tasks, so you don't forget what your goal is.
    - Have a schedule book and keep checking it all the time.
    - Add new appointments immediately to you calendar/schedule so you don't forget.

    Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
    Realty ONE Group
    Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
    (714) 809-6521
    R.E. Lic. #0143140

    Thursday, April 5, 2012

    Foreclosure Properties for Sale

                      Investors at the steps of the court house waiting for a good catch


    Properties sell everyday outside of the court house.

    Properties are selling at the steps of the court house everyday. Those properties are going to be foreclosed. The banks have a determined sale's price. They start with a minimum bid. Investors are there with cashier checks to try to buy the property they have already studied.

    Before attending this event, the cash investors have checked the comparables, title records, conditions of the properties, and most important, who is foreclosing on the property. Some properties have one, two, three or more liens (loans). It is important to make sure that the bank that is foreclosing is the first lien holder.

        It is important to check on the properties' owed taxes, Homeowners Association accounts, or any other liens.. Once the investors are sure that it is a safe purchase, they determine the highest that they are willing to offer at the moment of the bidding.

    Things go very fast there. You have to be very alert. Properties are bought in matter of seconds. No escrow or any time consuming transaction process. Usually, those properties are sold for about 20% to 30% discount appreised value. The question is, who has the cash to buy them?




    Compra Casa En Mexico!


    April 4, 2012

    Comprate una Casa en Mexico

    Did you know that BBVA Compass Bank which is the same bank than Bancomer in Mexico Gives loan to any Mexicano? Para que compres casa en Mexico. Just 25% down payment. No necesitas credito, ni seguro bueno. Solo tienes que tener trabajo y tener la indentificacion consular. Puedes comprarle casa a tu familia en Mexico y pagarla aqui. No esta Fabuloso?


    Centro Historico de Irapuato

     Leon Guanajuato (Esta foto es dedicada a mi amiga Irma)

     La Plaza de los fundadores en Irapuato

    Mexico, La Capital

    Because I do remember

    Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
    Realty ONE Group
    Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
    (714) 809-6521
    R.E. Lic. #0143140






    Tuesday, April 3, 2012

    We Need Other's Help / Others Need Our Help

    Jamie Distributes Marketing Material

    April, 3 2012

         We can not do everything by ourselves.
    During my first years in real estate, I used to go out at 5:00 in the morning to distribute publicity door to door
    either to residential houses or apartment complexes.

         Many times, I used to get help from friends and family. Now, I have Jamie helping me.
    I order an average of 5,000 pieces every time. The ideal should be once at month. Jamie works hard to earn his paycheck.
    He shows interest on the job. He goes door to door delivering my publicity. I appreciate him very much.
    Now, I don't need to start work that early an d I can work on other things.
    He needs the job; I need his help.

    Thank you, Jamie.

    Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
    Realty ONE Group
    Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
    (714) 809-6521
    R.E. Lic. #0143140




    Monday, April 2, 2012

    Working Single Moms

    Working Single Moms

                                 We have to ensure everything is taken care of.

    It is almost 5:00 p.m. and I am at Burger King doing some work and studying while I up-date the blog.
    What you can see at the photo’s background, besides my workplace, is the fast food playground.
    I brought Valeria to play while I do my thing here.

    After, play time, Valeria is going to a dance class. Yes, from 6pm-7pm she has dance class.

    "I miss my Wendoly!"


    Veronica Cabrera, Realtor
    Realty ONE Group
    Huntington Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, CA
    (714) 809-6521
    R.E. Lic. #0143140